Harnessing the power of a parasite that can stop pain
Updated: 2023-11-30 20:02:24
Skip to content Menu Follow us on Threads Our Bloggers Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Harnessing the power of a parasite that can stop pain November 30, 2023 Ohio State University For the first time , scientists have begun to figure out why the disfiguring skin lesions caused by  The lack of pain in leishmaniasis lesions has puzzled scientists for years , especially when similar blisters caused by conditions like chicken pox , staphylococcus infections or the herpes virus are itchy , oozy and sore. After giving mice chronic infections with Leishmania mexicana the species that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis in South , Central and North America , researchers used an unbiased mass spectrometry analysis of the lesions to identify molecules known to be associated